The User Security features in Uniwell Lynx allow you to assign User IDs and Passwords to the people that use the software and to set access permissions by user. A side benefit of this feature is that you can use it to simplify the menus in the software. When you add a new user to the software (Setup > Users) you can set the access permissions for that user and any menu items that you disable will no longer be displayed when that user logs in. So if you are the primary software user then rather than just using the default Administrator login, create your own User ID and edit the access permissions to simplify the software menus when you login.
The built-in Administrator User ID always has access to all menu items so you can even restrict the access permissions for your own login to just the menu items you use regularly. Then if you ever need to access a feature that you do not commonly use you can simply login as Administrator to gain access.
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