Here's a few tips to help you get the most out of the AX/HX Screen Layout editor in Uniwell Lynx ...
Tip #1 - Modifying Multiple Buttons
This feature can save you a lot of time when editing screen layouts. To select multiple buttons simply click on a button in the grid and drag the mouse pointer to highlight a block of buttons. You can now make changes to any of the button properties listed below and the changes will be applied to all of the highlighted buttons.
- Font Size
- Text Alignment
- Button Size
- Image (optional)
- Image Alignment
You can also delete multiple buttons by highlighting them and then clicking the Delete button.
Tip #2 - Updating PLU Captions
By default when you add a PLU button to a screen layout the button caption is set to match the item's POS description*. However, because the button captions are stored separately to the item POS descriptions in the AX/HX terminals you can edit the captions on PLU buttons to be different to the item POS descriptions. While this is a handy feature in the AX/HX terminals the down side is that if you edit item POS descriptions in Data > Items the changes do not affect the button captions of PLU buttons that have previously been added to screen layouts.
For this reason the AX/HX Screen Layout editor in Uniwell Lynx includes an 'Update PLU Captions' feature. If you want the PLU button captions in your screen layouts to be the same as your item POS descriptions you can edit the item POS descriptions in Data > Items as usual, but you do not then need to then edit all of the PLU button captions in your screen layout individually. Simply open your screen layout and click the Update PLU Captions button and click Yes on the confirmation dialog to update the captions on all of your PLU buttons to match their item POS descriptions.
*The KP Text/2nd Name field in Items can be used instead of the POS Description field as the default for PLU button captions. To enable this go to Setup > Preferences > Other and tick the 'Use KP Text as default PLU Caption for AX/HX Screen Layout' checkbox.
Tip #3 - Copying PLU Pages
The 'Copy PLU Page' feature allows you to copy the PLU buttons from one PLU Page to another. To use this feature click the Copy PLU Page button and then select the Source and Destination PLU Pages.
Hint: You can also copy to or from the Menu Level pages. These are listed at the bottom of the PLU Page dropdown lists.
Tip #4 - Group PLU and Sort PLU Pages
The Group PLU and Sort PLU function buttons in AX/HX screen layouts can be used to display PLUs within a particular Group or Sort PLU. These buttons provide a quick and easy way to access PLUs at the AX/HX terminal without having to specifically add a button for each PLU.
You can specify button attributes for the PLU buttons in a Group or Sort PLU and whether or not to 'Sort by PLU Code' by selecting the Group/Sort PLU button in the grid and then clicking the Group/Sort PLU button below the grid. You can also see a simulation of what the first PLU page displayed will look like when a Group/Sort PLU button is clicked at the AX/HX by double-clicking the Group/Sort PLU button.
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