All Items within a Uniwell Lynx data file are global and by default are available in all locations (if using Multi-Location Module) and all POS Terminals. However, using the PLU Programs feature it is possible to restrict which items are sent to individual POS Terminals. Additionally, the Price Level Mapping feature makes it possible to send different prices to different POS Terminals for the same items.
Consider the example below:
In this example we will have two locations as follows and each of these locations will have one POS Terminal:
- Bar
- Restaurant
The following two Items will be setup:
Item # 1001 Beer
Item # 2001 Beef Dinner
The Beer item will be available in the bar and the restaurant but at different prices. The Beef Dinner will only be available in the restaurant.
Step One: Create the Locations
- Go to Data menu and select Locations
- Modify the 'default location' and change its Description to ‘Bar’
- Add a new location and set its Description to ‘Restaurant’
Step Two: Customize Price Level and Program Names
The names of Price Levels and Programs can be customized in Uniwell Lynx. As we will see later in this example, this makes data entry easier as you do not need to remember how the Price Levels and Programs have been assigned.
Price Level Names
- Go to the Setup menu and select Price Levels
- Modify Price Level 1 and change the Description to ‘Bar’
- Modify Price Level 2 and change the Description to ‘Restaurant’
Program Names
- Go to the Setup menu and select Customize
- Under the Programs tab change the Description of Program 0 to ‘Bar’ and Program 1 to ‘Restaurant’
Step Three: Create the POS Terminals
Now we can setup our POS Terminals and link their Locations, Programs and Price Levels.
- Go to the Data menu and select POS Terminals
- Add POS Terminal # 1 and enter the following information:
Code = 1
Description = Bar
Location = 1
Program (under General tab) = Bar
Price Level 1 (under Options tab) = Bar - Add POS Terminal # 2 and enter the following information:
Code = 2
Description = Restaurant
Location = 2
Program (under General tab) = Restaurant
Price Level 1 (under Options tab) = Restaurant
Step Four: Create the Items
Finally, we can create our items and set their PLU numbers in the PLU Programs and prices by price level. NB: It is assumed that Groups have already been created to link the Items to.
- Go to the Data menu and select Items
- Add a new item and enter the following information:
Item Code = 1001
Description = Beer
PLU Code - Bar = 1
PLU Code - Restaurant = 1
Price - Bar = 3.00
Price - Restaurant = 4.00 - Add a new item and enter the following information:
Item Code = 2001
Description = Beef Dinner
PLU Code - Bar = [Leave Blank]
PLU Code - Restaurant = 2
Price - Bar = 0.00
Price - Restaurant = 15.00
Step 5: Send Program
Perform a Send Program with PLUs and Price Levels enabled. For assistance in doing this please see our separate tutorial.
The final result is as follows:
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