Uniwell Lynx provides businesses with the option to set up multiple software user accounts. It also gives them the capability to limit the access of those users to specific areas within the software. This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating new users and setting up user security.
- Go to the Setup menu and select Users
- Click on the Add button
- Enter the user's name in the User ID box
- Enter an initial password in the Password box and confirm it
- In the Access Permission column untick the sections of the software that you do not wish the new user to have access to
- In the Modify Permission and Delete Permission columns untick the sections of the software that the new user can access but in which you do not wish them to have the ability to modify or delete records
- Click the Ok button to save the new user
Supplementary Notes:
- A currently logged-in user will be able to change their own password by going to the Setup menu and selecting Change Password.
- A User Log is available in the Manager Reports screen (Sales > Manager Reports) of Uniwell Lynx. It provides information about which User has opened the software, as well as some limited detail regarding critical functions they have performed.
- The Administrator user has full access to all of the software and their permissions can’t be changed.
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